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For vital

Enhance your employees' mental health and vitality with the Vitalmindz App. Together, we can build a healthy future. Book a demo and discover the possibilities. 

Vitalmindz App E-health
A selection of our users
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Vitalmindz App - Vrouw

Prevent absenteeism
and burnouts

Invest in the mental health and vitality of your employees with the Vitalmindz App. Our app offers personalized support, from individual coaching to chatting with a psychologist, and promotes mental growth with customized content. Strengthen the sustainable employability of your team by focusing on what’s going well and increasing vitality and job satisfaction, leading to a healthier organization with less absenteeism and turnover.

In the news

"Detecting signs of burnout and stress is essential for employers."

NOS Logo

From absenteeism
to vitality

Absenteeism due to mental health issues is at an all-time high. We believe this needs to and can change. Support your employees in facing mental challenges both at work and in their personal lives with the Vitalmindz App. The app guarantees unlimited access to all preventive content, and your employees can contact our psychologists at any time. Discover the possibilities of the Vitalmindz App for your organization today.

MFC Mockup ENG

Mental health issues
impact productivity

productivity loss due to non-vital employees

1,2 million
suffer from burnout symptoms

of all absenteeism is mental

All-in-one preventive care app

Online coaching

Easily schedule a coaching session with one of our experienced psychologists.

Vitalmindz App - Coaching

Chat with coaches

Our psychologists are ready to answer your employees' questions.

Vitalmindz App - Chat ENG


Strengthen your resilience, manage stress, or learn to sleep better with our professional e-health modules, developed in collaboration with Therapieland. 



Learn, train, and delve deeper. Invest in mental health through our mindspaces.

Mockup laptop

Mental Fit Check

Test your mental fitness with a validated test developed by TNO.

Mockup Laptop Mental Fit Check


Inspiring webinars for all employees, conducted by experienced psychologists and trainers.


Certified data security

Data security guaranteed. App data certification includes: NEN 7510, ISO 9001, ISO 27018, and ISO 27017.

Mockup Iphone safe

Our psychologists are ready to assist you

  • App---Didier-Mooren---Psycholoog-Trainee2
  • App - Marleen Matthias - Senior A&O Psycholoog
  • App---Jose-Hartman---Psycholoog2
  • App - Joost Stoelhorst - Psycholoog
  • APP - Richmarlou Thodé - Arbeid en Organisatiepsycholoog NIP
  • App - Karst Tjoelker - Psycholoog en Trainer
  • App---Suzy-Willems
  • App---Josine-Stok---Psycholoog-trainee2
  • App---Ilse-Wielaard---Psycholoog
  • App - Aisyah du Long - Psycholoog Trainee
  • App---Dominique-Teitink----Psycholoog
  • App---Marije-Kuiper---Psycholoog-trainee
Ontwerp zonder titel (2)

Watch the video and get to know the
Vitalmindz App


The costs of
psychological absenteeism

€ 250
Costs per day of absence

€ 45.000
Total costs per case

180 days
Average duration of absence

“What I truly value about the Vitalmindz App is that our employees can decide for themselves where, when, and how they want to work on their mental health. With a preventive solution like this, we can avoid accumulations and ultimately reduce our absenteeism rates”.

Paul Knappe

Paul Knappe Head of People

Investeer in jouw medewerkers

Starting from

€2 per month

per employee

  • Personal login for each employee
  • Full access to content
  • Onboarding and guidance
  • Chat with a psychologist
  • One-on-one coaching appointments
Request a quote

Start in 1,2,3

1. Demo
Schedule a free and completely non-obligatory interactive demo of the Vitalmindz App. We'll be happy to answer all your questions.


2. Onboard
We'll guide you through the implementation of the app and provide a comprehensive onboarding package for all your employees.

3. Go
Get started right away and improve the vitality, health, and productivity of your employees.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, our app provides unlimited access to content, programs and chat functionality, and is available 24/7. This way, employees are flexible to work on their mental health at any time and in any place.

Certainly! In the Vitalmindz App, every employee has the freedom to work with a personal account. We attach great importance to privacy and confidentiality, which is why the guidance provided through our app is completely anonymous and personal.

We understand that time can be of the essence when employees need support. That is why we strive to answer all chats within 10 minutes during working days between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM. The chat is still available in the evenings and weekends and our psychologists will answer questions the next working day.

We strive to provide flexible and effective support to every employee. That is why all employees have the option to independently schedule a coaching appointment with one of our experienced psychologists. These individual sessions are designed to gain deeper insight and promote personal growth, and are fully customizable to the employee's needs

We will of course help you with that. Our onboarding team is ready to guide you through every step of the implementation process. We offer comprehensive onboarding, including a media package and advice to ensure the launch goes smoothly and employees get the most out of the app.

Once the onboarding process has been completed, your employees can immediately start using the app.

If an employee experiences complaints that cannot be resolved within our coaching sessions, our psychologists will advise to contact their general practitioner or company doctor. If desired, treatment can take place at Vitalmindz or HSK.

More questions? Please contact us.

Together we build
a flourishing organization

Healthy and vital employees

A safe and positive working environment

Cultivate resilience and increase performance

Employees with a positive mindset

Retention of talents and strengths

Positive employees who ensure satisfied customers

Start with preventive
mental health care
for your employees