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Cookie Statement

View our cookie statement here

On this page, we explain everything about cookies.


This website, (the “Website”), is managed by Vitalmindz B.V. (hereafter “Vitalmindz” or “we/our”). Various cookies can be placed through this Website. Below, we explain what cookies are, what they do, which cookies are used on the Website, and why. We may update this Cookie Statement from time to time. Therefore, we recommend that you regularly check this Cookie Statement.

What do cookies do?

Cookies are small (text) files that a webpage server places on your computer or other electronic device (hereafter “device”) when you visit a webpage. By placing a cookie on your device, the webpage server can recognize your device. A cookie cannot start programs or spread viruses.

Cookies have a certain validity period from the moment they are placed on your device. Once the validity period expires, the cookie is deleted by your browser. For some cookies, the duration of the browser session is the validity period, but there are also cookies that remain valid longer so they can be read during a subsequent visit to the website.


Cookies op this website

Both functional (necessary) cookies and analytical cookies are places via this website. 

Functionel cookies

Functional cookies are necessary for the services on this website to function. This is used, for example, when you log in to the website to display information specifically intended for you.

Analytical cookies

This website uses analytical cookies to track visitor statistics. This helps us improve the website. These cookies are installed through Google Analytics. Click here to secure your data. Click here for more information about Google’s privacy settings.


Refusing and deleting cookies

Cookies are placed on each device you use to visit this Website. If you no longer wish to receive cookies via this Website, you need to adjust your browser settings on each device. Through your internet browser settings, you can refuse cookies and delete any cookies that have already been placed. There are various types of internet browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari), and the method of setting them varies. Therefore, refer to your internet browser's help function to adjust your cookie settings if desired.

Please note that changing your settings may affect all websites you visit. This could limit your ability to use our Website or parts thereof.

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